City of Belfast, Northern Ireland

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Belfast ArticlesHillsborough Castle and Gardens

Now, what is the Hillsborough Castle and Gardens anyway? Why would one even think of wanting to...

The Troubles in Ireland: A Historical Overview

The history of Ireland is marked by centuries of political and religious tension, but perhaps no...

The Giant's Causeway

In County Antrim, Northern Ireland, a bridge disappears into the sea only a short distance from...

Things to do and see in Belfast

In every city, there exists a modern and natural beauty, which is true for the city of Belfast in...

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News from BelfastClosure of four rural primary schools postponed

One of the schools has just 13 pupils – the minimum needed for a rural primary school is 105....

No perjury charges against Bloody Sunday soldiers

The Public Prosecution Service has been investigating fifteen former soldiers and an alleged former...

'Little hero' seizure-free after Ukraine brain op

Epileptic Rachel Gribben, three, is going back to school after weeks among the bomb sirens of Lviv....

'Train station closure huge loss for me'

Great Victoria Street station will close on 10 May ahead of the move to the new Grand Central...

Hamilton stars ask students 'Who tells your story?'

Hamilton actors teach Belfast children confidence and to speak up for what they believe in....

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