Halloween Safety Tips For Everyone

It is quickly becoming, time once again, when children love to dress up to trick-or-treat in hopes of a big bag of candy as the reward. While this time of year can be fun for all, it can be dangerous if certain factors aren't considered. The following paragraphs will provide some useful tips and advice for everyone in regards to having a safe trick-or-treat night.

Tips For The Children

Children are the most eager come Halloween night, and can very easily forget about their own safety ... much less the safety of others. By reminding your children of some safety rules before trick-or-treating, you can help them to help themselves have a much safer experience.

  1. When trick-or-treating after dark, always carry a flashlight to help you see. Be sure to check the power of the batteries in the flashlight before leaving the house.
  2. Be sure to use the bathroom before leaving your house to trick-or-treat.
  3. Stay on the sidewalk and do not run. If there is no sidewalk, it is safest to stay on the left side of the road -- or be sure to walk facing traffic.
  4. Do not ride your bike, wear rollerblades, or take your skateboard trick-or-treating.
  5. Make sure your shoes are comfortable, and that they remain tied.
  6. Only visit houses with Halloween decorations displayed, or homes with their doors open and lights on.
  7. Never go to the back door of a house when trick-or-treating.
  8. When you are trick-or-treating, never touch other people's pets. They could bite you.
  9. Carry a spare bag for you candy in case your first one breaks.
  10. Never eat any of your candy until your parents can check it.

By following these tips and advice, children are sure to help make their trick-or-treating experience a much safer one. In addition, children should also be reminded to always say thank you when they are given candy.

Tips For the Parents

It is true that is extremely important to educate our little ones on the importance of Halloween safety. However, it is as equally as important for parents to educate themselves. As parents of trick-or-treaters, we all have the same ultimate goal in common -- a safe, pleasurable Halloween experience for our little ones. Before taking your children trick-or-treating this year, please consider the following tips and advice:

  1. Feed your trick-or-treaters before they head out.
  2. Dress your child/children in flame retardant costumes.
  3. Younger children should always be accompanied by an adult in order to help keep them safe. If you do send you older children out trick-or-treating without you, be sure they have a cell phone available to them, and that they know how to call 9-1-1. Children should never be permitted to trick-or-treat alone ... be sure your child goes with a buddy or a group .
  4. Be sure your trick-or-treaters carry a flashlight, as well as wear some sort of reflective clothing, so that they are easily seen in the dark.
  5. Forbid your trick-or-treaters of eating any candy until you have the chance to inspect it, including your older children.

In addition to these tips, many of the tips for the trick-or-treaters can apply to parents, as well. The safety of our children is important to us at all times, and Halloween is no different. Following the above tips and advice, as well as ensuring your children are aware of proper safety when trick-or-treating, we are helping everyone to have the best time possible.

author: Sheila King-Jeffcoat

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