Battle of the Boyne: Battle of the Battles
This event happened on the outskirts of the town Drogheda on the east coast of Ireland on July 1, 1690 with each of the opposing armies on either sides of the River Boyne. James soldiers who are mostly young and inexperienced were easily knocked down by William's army. This battle has a emblematic significance which made it one of the most remembered phenomenal battles both in the history of Britain and Ireland and became a major component in the Irish Protestant folklore. It is still remembered up to this modern time but on a different date which is on the 12th of July. This is because of the differences in the style of dating then and now with Gregorian calendar being used generally in dating.
The Battle of the Boyne is one event in history about one crucial encounter which results from James' efforts to win back the thrones of England and Scotland and the Parliament's decision to place William instead. However, it is remembered most especially because it speaks about the Protestant and Catholic fight for power. But more interestingly enough though is the attempts of the modern historians and analysts to down play any religious aspect associated with the war.
This war in Ireland also marks the start of the long but largely unsuccessful movement by James' Jacobite followers to restore the Stuarts to the British reign. Most of these Jacobite supporters were actually a mix of people of different religion: those living in Ireland who were actually Catholics hoping against hope that their lands be handed back to them and those English and Scottish Jacobites who were just prompted by their beliefs to the system of monarchy. The war progressed until mid-afternoon where most of the Jacobite troops were starting to thin out. James went back to Dublin warning people about the approach of the enemies and William's entry to the city. After the war, he went on a hiatus to France. Five days after, William entered Dublin with honor and pride and paid due respects to the Lord in Christ Church Cathedral.
This battle is commemorated every 12th of July as managed and organized by the Orange Order instead of the original 1st of July due to the loss of certain days from the dating style of the Julian calendar to the present, modern-day Gregorian Calendar in 1752.
The site of the Battle of the Boyne located at Drogheda on the western part of the town. The bridges and some other features in the actual battle remain intact on the site of the battle. The site is currently being redeveloped by the local government with plans of erecting various facilities.
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