Hillsborough Castle and Gardens
Now, what is the Hillsborough Castle and Gardens anyway? Why would one even think of wanting to go to this place? Well, for one, Northern Ireland is one of the last places on Earth where you can find so many historic spots in just one regional and geographical concentration. It seems that in every county, every sub region of Northern Ireland, you would be able to see majestic ruins and the like, just waiting to be visited and re-visited again, for hidden memories of the past to be brought to life once again.
The Hillsborough Castle and Gardens is an eighteenth century mansion that is over a sprawling amount of land in Northern Island. The place was erected by the Marquis of the place known as Downshire. The place is now open to the public, and the gates open and welcome everybody. You can see inside a lot of artworks and exquisite pieces of furniture and well preserved rooms.
The Hillsborough Castle and Gardens was originally the abode of an administrator in the region of Northern Ireland, the Governor. Presently, the person who now enjoys the plush interiors of this place is another administrator of Northern Ireland, the Secretary of the State; much like the way the Malacañang Palace in the Southeast Asian country of the Philippines is occupied by the President and the First Family. Such cultural similarities only serve to fuel interest in such places as this.
This historic site opens its gates to the public during the months of May and June, each and every Saturday of those months. Interested tourists may call to confirm the tour times in the Hillsborough Castle and Gardens. Tourists will be given a quite refreshing and entertaining tour of the extensive gardens and of course, the mansion. It is suggested that tourists pre-book before the tourist season opens. The whole tour of the complex lasts about one hour. The last tour of the Hillsborough Castle and Gardens begins at four pm sharp. The prices are at five pounds for adults (this includes a walking tour of the mansion and the gardens). At the time of writing a ticket for the family (a family ticket includes access for two adults and a maximum of four offspring) costs only twelve pounds and fifty cents. If tourists only want to see the gardens, the ticket cost is two pounds and fifty cents for adults.
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