Some Tips for Formal Wedding Invitations
Sending out the wedding invitations is a big job for any wedding planner, and it is important for couples to follow the basic rules of etiquette when addressing those invitations. While the strictness of these rules will vary from ceremony to ceremony, even the most casual wedding will demand a certain level of etiquette on the part of those planning the festivities.
When it comes to etiquette and wedding invitations it is vital to properly address the outside of the envelope. After all, this will be the first thing the invited guest or guests will see when they pick up their mail. Making a good first impression is a big part of proper etiquette, so those wedding invitations should follow some basic rules.
For instance, when the wedding invitations are being sent to a married couple, it is important to use the name of the husband, along with the term Mr. and Mrs. So wedding invitations sent to James Smith and his wife would be addressed to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith.
When sending out formal wedding invitations be sure to use formal names and not nicknames. For example, make sure those formal wedding invitations go out to Mr. Henry Jones and not Mr. Hank Jones.
The one exception to this rule is sending wedding invitations to close family members. Those wedding invitations can be addressed any way you see fit, and nicknames are just fine. So feel free to address even the most formal wedding invitations to your beloved Aunt Katie or Uncle Bob.
A trickier problem is how to address wedding invitations to couples who are living together but not married. A good practice for this type of situation would be to address the wedding invitations to Miss Jane Doe and Mr. Bill Roe. This type of situation is more and more common these days, and it is important for wedding planners to get this right.
It is also common to address wedding invitations to single friends and relatives of either gender. In these cases it is important to specify whether or not these invitees are allowed to bring a guest to the wedding. If a guest is permitted simply add the words and guest after the name of the single friend or family member, i.e. Miss Loretta Jones and Guest or Mr. Bob Smith and Guest. If you do not wish your single friends and relatives to bring guests to the wedding simply leave off the and guest when addressing their wedding invitations.
Addressing wedding invitations to a couple and their children is another important consideration. In this case the thing to do would be to address the outer envelope to the couple, i.e. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, but include the names of their children on the inner envelope.
If you are addressing wedding invitations to divorced friends and family members, it is important to use the name they kept. If they have reverted to their maiden name, be sure to use that name as you address the wedding invitations. If they have kept their married names, those names should be used on the outer envelope.
Finally, if some of your guests are judges, doctors or members of the military be sure that the wedding invitations use those formal titles. Be sure to use the full titles on the outside envelope, i.e. Colonel James Walters. When addressing the inner envelope only the title and last name would be used, i.e. Colonel Walters.
Addressing wedding invitations does not have to be stressful or difficult. By learning only a few simple etiquette rules you can make sure that all of your invitees are honored and well respected.