Health and Fitness Articles - Page 2

How To Child Proof Your Home

When a child enters your life, there are so many things to think about and so many decisions to be made that childproofing often falls through the cracks. But, childproofing is important to save...

Sweet! Chocolate is Actually Good for You

Get ready to unwrap the chocolate sweetness with less guilt. Chocolate can actually be good for both your mind and body. Here are a few tips on how chocolate can bring goodness to your life....

Side Effects of Quitting Smoking

It is perfectly normal for someone who is quitting smoking to experience a variety of odd physical, mental, and emotional symptoms during this time period. This is especially true during the first...

Obesity and Heart Disease

One of the main reasons those who are obese need to lose fat is because being obese can lead to many different medical problems including heart disease. When someone is obese, it is best for their...

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Chances are, you know someone who snores. Often, that individual becomes the butt of many jokes, as bedmates recall the sound of a runaway locomotive keeping them awake at night. But snoring can be...

Fitness Instructor Correspondence Courses

If you dream of being the next Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper, consider a career as a fitness instructor. Fitness instructors, also known as personal trainers, help clients reach their athletic...

Warding off Wrinkles

Wrinkles are inevitable. But you can do a lot to keep them off of your face for years! To help slow down the hands of time on our faces try: Limiting Your Time In The Sun. Sun damage is the #1...

What You Should Know about Cosmetic Dental Surgery

It's sad that some people are afraid to smile because of the imperfections of their teeth. Are you one of them? If so, you may want to seek cosmetic dental treatment. The question now is, 'Which...

Does Zylotrim Really Work?

The newest diet pill to hit the market, Zylotrim, is heavily advertised on TV and in magazines. The miraculous testimonials and free trial offer make it very tempting, but how does it live up to...

Your Metabolism

What is metabolism? Metabolism is a term used to describe how the body converts food into energy, and then gets rid of waste products. It is a physical and chemical process that takes place among...

Online Health Insurance

In recent days, the cost of living has increased tremendously. The health hazards have increased due to the stress and strain of the daily life. The increase in the costs involved in obtaining good...

Reasons Your Weight Could Affect Your Pregnancy

Having a baby is an important decision for a woman to make in her life. There are many factors to consider, however, when bringing a baby into the world and picture of your life. The first and...

Herbal Remedies for Headache Relief

Headache pain can stop sufferers in their tracks, but many people avoid aspirin because it upsets their stomachs. Before there was aspirin or over-the-counter medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen,...

Heart Murmur: What's that Noise?

What does it mean when someone says they have a heart murmur? When a doctor puts a stethoscope on your chest and listens, they are listening for the rhythmic thumping of your heart. When they hear...

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