Low Carbohydrate Diets - Why They Fail
There are many weight loss plans available that will require dieters to ensure the total elimination carbohydrates from their diet. While some dieters may claim these are the best weight loss...
When a Loved One Has Cancer
Learning that a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer can be one of the most devastating things that a family can face. It is easy to feel helpless when this happens, and it is often hard to...
Investigating Fast Food
We all sometimes give in to the temptation that fast food presents: a delicious, inexpensive meal with no work involved. We know that most fast food can cause weight gain and is loaded with...
Mindfulness, what is it and how can it help you?
You've probably read a lot about mindfulnes and being mindful, but what exactly is it and how can it help you better your life? I'm no expert, but I'd love to share my experiences and what I've...
Childhood Obesity - A Weighty Matter
Mrs. Goodson, your son is 18 kilos. overweight. I stared at my pediatrician in horror as she told me this. I felt that I had failed him as a parent. Timothy was only 6 years old and weighed...
How to Eat Your Way to a Younger You
We live in a society that reveres youth, which is why those who can afford it are often willing to go to extreme lengths to defy their real age and look forever twenty. Of course, we cannot all...
How To Child Proof Your Home
When a child enters your life, there are so many things to think about and so many decisions to be made that childproofing often falls through the cracks. But, childproofing is important to save...
Sweet! Chocolate is Actually Good for You
Get ready to unwrap the chocolate sweetness with less guilt. Chocolate can actually be good for both your mind and body. Here are a few tips on how chocolate can bring goodness to your life....
Side Effects of Quitting Smoking
It is perfectly normal for someone who is quitting smoking to experience a variety of odd physical, mental, and emotional symptoms during this time period. This is especially true during the first...
Obesity and Heart Disease
One of the main reasons those who are obese need to lose fat is because being obese can lead to many different medical problems including heart disease. When someone is obese, it is best for their...
Fitness Instructor Correspondence Courses
If you dream of being the next Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper, consider a career as a fitness instructor. Fitness instructors, also known as personal trainers, help clients reach their athletic...
Warding off Wrinkles
Wrinkles are inevitable. But you can do a lot to keep them off of your face for years! To help slow down the hands of time on our faces try: Limiting Your Time In The Sun. Sun damage is the #1...
What You Should Know about Cosmetic Dental Surgery
It's sad that some people are afraid to smile because of the imperfections of their teeth. Are you one of them? If so, you may want to seek cosmetic dental treatment. The question now is, 'Which...
Does Zylotrim Really Work?
The newest diet pill to hit the market, Zylotrim, is heavily advertised on TV and in magazines. The miraculous testimonials and free trial offer make it very tempting, but how does it live up to...